You can download Toopher for Android or Toopher for iOS.

Let me start by saying that the Toopher app is free for users. We don’t use your information and we don’t make money off you directly. Our customers are businesses looking for the best 2fa. We make money when you like Toopher so much that you demand that your favorite sites offer Toopher as an option and that site listens. So please tell us what you love and what you hate–we aim to please.

We serve three distinct groups: (1) users, (2) developers, and (3) businesses looking for high-quality, third-party two-factor authentication. Toopher’s main site,, caters to the businesses looking for simple security, while the Toopher dev site,, is tailored to developers who are implementing Toopher. We haven’t done a great job of targeting end-users, although we have some good stuff in the works; until then, please download and use the app (for free), and enjoy.

Like Mishka the amazing talking husky, Toopher loves you.